Exhibition from june 24th till july 30th 2020

An artistic project that we have realized with the photographic artist Tonatiuh Ambrosetti for the exhibition "Contaminazione" that will take place inside the Museum of Contemporary Art "Officine Grandi Riparazioni" in Turin.

The concept/

Giovanni Bosco Hospital has transferred some of its Covid patients to the temporary hospital built inside the OGR complex (the Museum of Contemporary Art "Officine Grandi Riparazioni":
These are patients in remission phase, to be accompanied towards a complete recovery. Most of them are therefore in a stable state: they can get out of bed and move around in the "red zone", but cannot see their loved ones or go out. They do not (yet) have access to cultural activities or content.
The project to transform the RMOs has been rapid and the result is surreal.
The hospital management therefore proposed the following idea, which we are very excited about: to inaugurate the exhibition at the OGR hospital, in order to offer patients and hospital staff quality artistic content.

Two simultaneous screenings will take place in two areas of the hospital: one in the "red zone" for Covid patients and the other in the "yellow zone" for hospital staff.
The idea is to provoke contamination between patients, doctors and the public, who would all have access to the same exhibition from different locations.

Where? San Giovanni Bosco hospital, OGR – Officine Grandi Riparazioni, Turin

When? from the 24th of June, opening to the Covid patients and hospital staff

Curator: Cécile Angelini

Exhibition designer: Sergio Mazzoni

Artists and art professionals:

Marc Angeli - Tonatiuh Ambrosetti & mvt/architectes - ANTILIA gallery (Fabiana Dicuonzo e Giuseppe Resta) - Pascale Barret - Florent Bellamy - Barbara Bergaglio - Melania Berlen - Valerio Berruti - Big Mountain County - Benedetta Bodo di Albaretto, Project Marta - Giulio Caresio - Ermanno Cavaliere - Noëlle Clou - Céline Cuvelier - Lieven De Boeck - Hannah De Corte - Gian Giacomo Della Porta - Enrico Ferrarini - Maurizio Ferraris - Michel François - Mario García Torres - Régis Gonzalez - Francesco Granieri - Ezio Gribaudo - Paola Gribaudo - Giorgio Griffa - Lotta Hannertz - Marie Hume - Paolo Inverni - Dominique Loreau - Astrid Malingreau - Gianluigi Maria Masucci - Maxime Matthys - Selçuk Mutlu et Lola Zefi - Nero/Alessandro Neretti - Elena Pelosi - Marie-Françoise Plissart - Barbara Polla - Paolo Robino - Fabrice Samyn - Fabrizio Santona - Alessandro Saturno - Agnès Thurnauer - David Tremlett - Fabio Viale - Dario Voltolini - Peter Wüthrich - Silvio Zamorani


©Tonatiuh Ambrosetti

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