It is through the observation of real situations that the knowledge of the architectural space and its use, in the lived dimension and in the built context, takes place. The interest of the study trip for us architects lies in the constant construction of the personal and professional journey, whether it be sensorial, emotional or referential. The experience of travel is therefore essential for the emergence of spatial creativity through the confrontation of the constructed reality of the observed architecture.
Porto is the birthplace of two of the greatest Portuguese architects: Alvaro Siza Vieira (born 1933) and Eduardo Souto de Moura (born 1952). Both are the only Portuguese winners of the prestigious Pritzker Prize, which is considered the Nobel Prize for Architecture and has been awarded to an architect every year since 1979 in recognition of his or her contribution to architecture. They were awarded it in 1992 and 2011 respectively.
The current physiognomy of Porto owes much to the architects, native of the city or of Portugal, but also to other foreigners who came to settle there.
Visited places in Porto:
Faculté d’architecture, Álvaro Siza
Logements sociaux de Bouça, Álvaro Siza
Casa das Artes, Eduardo Souto de Moura
Casa da Música, Rem Koolhaas
Casa de Chà da Boa Nova, Álvaro Siza
Piscina das Marés, Álvaro Siza